It's obscenely maddening, especially given that Thisvid is the only place to find a TON of super rare shit (like the near complete run of Academy Men films), but it's firewalled off via forced friends request, so no one can actually fucking watch it. And worse, the bulk of them are snubby pieces of shit that no only require you to have your profile filled out IN FULL AND IN GRAPHIC DETAIL, but also demand you have at least 10+ videos uploaded (behind a similar friends only firewall) to the site itself before they'll even CONSIDER friending you (and will drop you the second they feel you are not contributing to giving them exclusive porn no one else can see. So you'll go page after page after page of shit that you can't watch, because you have to get the person hosting it to add you to their friends list. 95% of the website is firewalled off from access unless the person uploading it accepts your friend request.
You have to have a special browser download extension to download shit since there is zero way to download it like you can on other sites off the page via linkī.