So does it matter if it’s a man or a woman you’re sleeping with?” I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt but he continued, “See, buddy, after childbirth, a woman’s vagina isn’t firm enough for a lot of guys. Why dip your beak outside then? Well, as he tried to rationalise it, “Men across the spectrum cheat. This man has a wife, and together, they have a kid. I was rather bewildered when I found out, but also intrigued. In all honesty though, I wished he’d shown me the ring on his finger instead of the one on his cock. The first time I met a married dude, I didn’t even know he was married.
Many gay men I know, including myself, have gotten their hearts broken at the hands of men married to women, with many swearing off this category altogether after having their hopes dashed over and over.